Activity Sheet 1: My Fact File
Choose one of the fact files about islands and nations in the Caribbean region.
For each country, use an atlas, a globe, library books or online information sources to find and label the following features on the map:
1A Major physical geography landmarks – including a selection of the following environmental features (Please note that most countries will not have all the physical features mentioned in this list):
• Mountain peaks, hill-tops or other areas of high ground
• The longest rivers, largest areas of water (including nearby oceans and seas) or features such as bays and coves
• Areas of rainforest, swamp land, salt marshes, or nearby coral reefs.
1B Sites of interest linked to the country’s human geography – including:
• The capital city
• Two or three other large cities, towns or port areas that have the highest populations in the country
• At least three sites of historical, political, economic or cultural importance
• The major transport hubs – such as international airports, air strips, rail stations or bus terminals
• The most important site (or sites) of religious significance – including places of worship and areas of religious or spiritual pilgrimage for different communities.
1C The place of birth for at least three important people connected to the country.
Think carefully about people considered to be national heroes or heroines, as well as individuals who are well-known internationally. Find out about women and men who have achieved success and recognition because of their positive contributions to cultural life. For example, find out about people who have done amazing things in one of these areas:
• History, politics, human rights, civil rights, law-making and the legal system
• Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (including famous inventors)
• Literature, painting and sculpture, music, dance, theatre, cinema and other areas of the arts, media or sport
• Architecture, landscape design, natural history and environmental protection
• Medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery and other caring and clinical professions
• Religion, charity work, education, and other areas of community service.
1D Complete the remaining sections of the fact file by adding details about the national flag, official languages spoken, national motto, population size and the main religions and beliefs within the country (including any information you can find out about secularism and atheism).